Monday, 11 May 2020


My utmost goal for 2020 is to know ABBA Father more. And what better way is there than to read the Scriptures daily.

So this year was finally the time for me to utilize The Bible in One Year Bible (New International Version) I had bought since 2013.

And of course in Vicky's style, I called it #ReadWithVickyChallenge2020ForMums where we would read two books daily; The Bible and 365 Things Every Parent Should Know by Doug Fields. Then created a WhatsApp Group for Mums who were interested in the challenge.

The month of January was great for me as I kept going on with the challenge but February was quite an intense month for me and because the staying up late/the early hours of the mornings are my most productive time to work in my season of being a SAHM. I most time work into my scheduled time to read my Daily Scriptures. So from missing two to three days and catching up it exceeded gradually to a point when it felt like I had missed out too much.

I began to feel like I should have done better in staying consistent. 

So as the month of March was approaching I was wondering how I would catch up on the days I have missed in February and I was talking to ABBA about it and I decided that instead of feeling bad and piling up more days, how about I just continue from the current day.

Meanwhile, I was also slacking in my responsibility to send the weekly daily scriptures to Mums in the platform and searching to download free pdf copies of the NIV Bible reading plan I am using has become a project for me.

All these left me reflecting on the words CONSISTENCY, COMMITMENT and DILIGENCE!

The summary of my reflections is that "being diligent means that even though I don't achieve my daily goals today, I will try again tomorrow and try again next tomorrow because I am committed to following through and this will ultimately improve my consistency."

Today is Day 132 of 2020.
It's been 131 days of bible reading plus 1 day of prayers.
The journey is still on and you can join the challenge today by filling the contact form below.

Remember, you can receive notifications when a new post is up if you enter your email in the subscription box.

Love and Light,

1 comment:

  1. This article was written by a real thinking writer. I agree many of the with the solid points made by the writer. I’ll be back.
    Fully Persuaded Faith
