Monday, 1 July 2019


So the past few weeks has been work work work! You know how you attend an event, read a book, converse with someone, have an experience that not only transformed you but immediately causes a paradigm/ supernatural shift within you.

When your ideas finally align with your purpose, when everything you have been through, everything you have imagined begin to look possible.

When those little bit and fragments of your vision begins to come together and you suddenly have this new energy and flow of thoughts. And you are just constantly putting pen to paper.

When you just know that THIS IS IT!

This is how I would describe my second quarter of the year . 

I recently started two online business this second quarter.  My ready to wear store and my online classes where I teach personal development amongst other self help topics (you can see more using the hashtag #iteachiwriteicoach or stop by my Instagram page @vickyohaegbulam

I also had to rebrand #dkccbookclub to @MumsBookClubng to enable a wider reach to my target audience and revive my first online business @3dcuisine.

In between all the rebranding and reviving, I have been creating courses for my online class, researching, studying, reading books, running my business offline, nursing my son, skipping meals and staying up late.

But its all for a good cause. The results have been tremendous and the feedback makes it all worthwhile. 

Just Busy...
Staying on my script. 
Building structure. 
Gaining Knowledge. 
Declaring speed.
Working it out.

For he is faithful that promised.

Photo Credit: Google
#VickyOhaegbulam || #iTeachiWriteiCoach

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