Thursday, 29 December 2016

2017 In View, Focus On Developing Self...

A lot can be achieved when we commit ourselves to discipline. So as we reflect upon our year and begin to make our New Year plans and also set goals, I’ll encourage us to focus more on self-development goals. Self- development goals also includes gaining new experience by networking and volunteering.

After reflecting on my year 2015, I began to make declarations and projections for 2016 which I wrote down using hash tags to list them. By the time I was done, I realized that the words I had written down weren’t just fit for my next year but very timeless.

It then became obvious that these hash tags dwelt a lot on self- development and would balance with whatever goals I wanted to achieve.

Here’s a list…                                                                                            


What are your personal development goals for 2017?

Monday, 24 October 2016

Personal Accountability, The Packaging Of Your Worth!

So lately, I have said to myself, enough waiting on or looking for someone to be your mentor. I personally think that a mentor/mentee relationship should be one that’s led by the spirit. Where both parties take the relationship very seriously because it comes with a lot of responsibilities.

Having said that, I have been on a personal development goal and doing a lot of studies. Drafting out my daily plans and activities, which has been super helpful in making me personally accountable to myself.

The bottom-line is, rather than waiting till you have a mentor or someone to push you, how about you start being personally accountable to yourself first. You will be surprised that eventually you’ll turn out to be a great mentor to someone else instead of just craving to be mentored. This is because once you’ve become accountable to yourself, you’ve surely started exhibiting an essential value for greatness, success and even personal development, which is- Discipline!

We would be amazed at the capacity we have on our inside once we embark on a personal accountability journey.

Let’s hear your thoughts and experiences…

Monday, 17 October 2016


“Intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, discipline, can take you to heights unimagined. But character is what’s going to keep you firm and distinguish you from others.”

“True education does not consist merely in the acquiring of a few facts of science, history, literature, or art, but in the development of character.”
                                                                                                                      ― David O. McKay
“Life is a character-building opportunity that we all volunteered for.” 

Sometimes we have to take note of how our character reflects to those around us, that way they’ll have something nice to say about your personality that’s in line with who you are. We are humans after all, and we need these compliments.

But most especially though our concerns should be that our lifestyle is such that would always bring glory to our creator. On the basis that we know who we are and we are doing what we were born to do.

A man in the land of Uz.
A perfect and upright man.
He feared God and eschewed evil.
His name was Job (Job 1 v. 1)

A son of Jesse the Bethelehemite.
He is cunning in playing.
A mighty man of valor.
A man of war.
Prudent in matters.
A comely person and the Lord is with him.
His name was David (1 Samuel 16 v. 18)

Even Jesus himself asked his disciples who do men say I am? Because he wanted to be sure they had the right perception of him, and not because he didn’t know who he was. (Mark 8 v. 27-29)

Have you heard about our #WHOAMICHALLENGE?
There’s more information on the personal event gadget by the right.
It’s more than a challenge!
We’re establishing a generation that’s confident!

Be a part of this move... Get involved!

Monday, 10 October 2016

Career Choices, Talents Counts

“The possession of a creative mind by an individual is the possession of a unique talent. Ideally, and for life fulfilment, a man should go into a profession where his talents would enhance his performance. This way, and because he enjoys what he does for a living since it is natural to him, he derives maximum satisfaction and happiness from his work, and would be highly committed to it no matter the difficulty he faces in the practice of that profession. It’s like a school teacher, who, though a brilliant scholar, does not possess the patience and the skills to get across to his students. Such a teacher would not make a mark in that profession and would easily get bored with it, whereas a less brilliant teacher, but who possess the right talents might excel in the teaching profession and might achieve life fulfilment.”

Lets hear your thoughts!   

Excerpt from Blind Choice by Segun Okunoren; Page 18, Paragraph 4

Sunday, 9 October 2016

We've Come A Long Way, Picture Stories!

Books and Heels, Coming Soon!

#BooksandHeels is a twitter chat where we share, discuss and talk about the books we are reading, have read or would like to read.

Encouraging young people to develop a reading culture.

It promises to be interesting and inspiring

Stay tuned for more updates.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Shaping Career Choices, Transforming Minds!

Choosing the right career is one of the most important decision every individual has to make in life. This decision has always been challenging even for informed adults. 

However, with DKCC venturing into projects like interactive forums in secondary schools, radio/television shows, social media platforms and a magazine called ‘RENEWED…transforming young minds’, these projects will stand as mediums to showcase young and growing Nigerian entrepreneurs, those who are building their dream careers, and also those who have had a career switch but generally making a difference. Telling their stories, challenges and dreams as a means to encourage the younger generation on choosing the right career. 

Some of our tools/packages include: career choice questionnaires, schools' assessment questionnaires, career counselling clubs in schools and an online career counselling platform.

"Nowadays, young people go into college to study a particular course but upon graduation, they end up following a career path that’s totally different and unrelated to what they studied. And it’s ‘OK’ to say that having a degree lays a foundation for one to build any career. However, this kind of thinking is what has left many graduates in Nigeria today job seekers. They go to college, study a course then upon graduation realise they don’t have passion for it. Whereas, passion and skills are the basics needed for a job procurement or building any career path whatsoever. And if we have graduates from different fields with lack of interest to make significant input or impact, they we keep having little or no innovation, invention and interventions in each sector, which reflects badly on our economic growth as a nation."

In a nutshell, this platform is giving me the opportunity to follow my dreams, thereby having my social enterprise established and structured in a way that also creates opportunity and jobs within my reach. Building a team that would be a voice and a guide to young people in Nigeria by pointing them in the direction of vocational education, encourage more small and medium entrepreneurs.

I happen to be a lawyer by profession and called to the Nigerian bar with no interest in the legal profession. 

I am building a career in professional administration as well as a food and fashion entrepreneur. And I am so very passionate about reaching out to young people.

And I'm hoping it's YOU!