Tuesday, 28 July 2020

DKCCMasterminds...Read, Learn, Lead and Network!

Eleven years ago I had an experience in the place of prayer whilst taking a personal retreat to ask the Lord what next...

You see, I had just finished writing my exams in my extra year as a law student. And I felt the need to embark upon a five days fasting and prayer (I was praying for my future; I needed to choose my next step wisely #CalculatedSteps)

Three things happened thereafter:
1.) I had a life changing experience.
2.) I perceived that I needed to go for service (i.e NYSC_National Youth Service Corporation) first before Law School, and I did.
3.) DKCC as an initial was conceived. And I wrote down the vision.

"It's very essential to write down the vision but believing it enough for someone else to connect with it and see the possibilities is all on you."
MumsBookClubng & Lead Coach The Packaged Life Network

Five years down the line, DKCC was dedicated and launched at my home church, truth be told it felt like I still needed to stay on my script but I can tell you now categorically that I missed out on two things (Staying Committed & Being Diligent).

Six years after the dedication and almost at the verge of letting it go, he aligns it together (my passion and his will), that's the power of Proverbs 16 vs 1-3. I apply that scripture to all my ideas so that alas it won't be just about me but about my father's business, #SurrenderedWill.

"God always gives a platform when we have an innate, skilled or honed leadership ability."

Now, the ability to create, conceive ideas, provide solutions, innovate and the passion to be a change agent is a gift. And staying inspired, motivated and committed to your script could be quite a challenge.

Hence the emergence of this amazing community - DKCCMasterminds!

DKCCMasterminds is a capacity building community for females in the creative industry to stay motivated and committed to their WHYs and WHATs.

Membership to the WhatsApp Group comes with a fee:
One Month Subscription_ N500.00 (Five Hundred Naira Only)
Five Months Subscription_ N2,000.00 (Two Thousand Naira Only)
One Year Subscription_ N5,000.00 (Five Thousand Naira Only)

Our Values: Read. Learn. Lead. Network.

If you have ever conceived an idea, ever executed an idea or if your idea is just at the conceptual stage. Then this community is for you!

Here's an outline of how engaged and focused your August will be on improving your capacity as a Creative Entrepreneur once you come on board.

"...but creativity itself isn't limited to specific crafts.
It's the ability to make your ideas manifest in the world.
It's problem solving. It's business and activism. It's raising a family. It's building connections, with others and with yourself, that make life worth living."
~Excerpt from Creative Calling by Chase Jarvis.

I do hope to see you come on board.

Choose you and shine your light brightly!
