Saturday, 8 June 2019


Hello Readers, 

I know it's been like forever now, you probably thoughtðŸĪ” I was done with blogging, right?

You and me both!😀

I apologise for been silence and going off like that.

27 months of no blogging, this should be in the world's record book.

It wasn't intentional though that I can assure you. 

But I am back with a lot of positive energy to take this blog to the next level.

A lot happened in the past months:

▪I  got certified as a Garment Technician (fulfilling my long dream to be a Fashion Designer);
▪Joined a law firm and resumed legal practice;
▪ Became a Mum to my little champion;
▪Started creating online courses for my online classes;
▪Started selling my ready to wear pieces online as well as my short stories;
▪Re-branded the book club for mums from #dkccbookclub to @MumsBookClubng;
▪Started an Instagram account for @Dkcchub. 

I do hope you keep reading as I share my experiences from all these milestones.

@VickyOhaegbulam || #iTeachiWriteiCoach